Rewilding Resources- April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Biome Newsletter, April edition - featuring updates from our Giftees & local ecosystem.

Each day as a new sun rises, as the ancient whales continue their migratory patterns across the globe, and as the mycelium of the forests come and go - we are reminded of the gentle rhythms of nature, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

But where does money fit into this equation? How can we use the technology of trade in a way that reinforces and supports our environment as an extension of ourselves, as a living, breathing entity?

Hosted by Matthew Monahan, Ma Earth presents the interview series The Regeneration will be Funded - exploring the intersections of regenerative finance, technology, and our living planet.

Covering topics like rights of nature, indigenous foodways, rainforest protection, blockchain, and Web 3 - Ma Earth has recently offered $100,000 in matching funds for regenerative land projects.

Highlighted below, please enjoy this monthly collection of updates from our local ecosystem.

Ngā mihi aroha

- Biome Trust

Giftee Updates

Ma Earth are giving $100,000 in matching funds to regenerative land projects, unlocked through community crowdfunding on Gitcoin from 23 April - 7 May. More

Finance for Gaia is re-envisioning finance so that it may be in service to life. Learn more about the mission, and Principal Consultant Samantha Power here.

Regen Network has released new Biocultural Jaguar Credits, focusing on safeguarding a critical 10,000-hectare jaguar habitat in Ecuador. More

Mangaroa Farms are hosting a Tree Planting event this Saturday 27 April in collaboration with Forest & Bird. More

Happen Films latest film Being the Change at 85 celebrates the life and legacy of the inspiring 85 y/o change maker - Helen Dew. More

The Learning Environment is hosting a community event to gather free, heritage apples from their Pīwakawaka Farm orchard - Sat 27th April. More

Papawhakaritorito Trust hosted a sold out wānanga on 11-13th April He Whenua Rongo - Indigenous Seed, Soil & Food Sovereignty Symposium. See Highlights

One Earth highlights how mushrooms are improving health, ecosystems, climate change, and even fashion. More

For the Wild is putting the callout to artists who would like to share their work in the monthly For the Wild digital zine. More

Ma Earth recorded conversations on climate, blockchain & regeneration with global leaders at Earth Commons, Berkeley, April 13-14, 2024. More

Inspiring Stories has released dates for 2024’s Festival for the Future for 17th - 18th July at TSB Arena in Wellington. More

Local Futures is pioneering the worldwide localization movement; Listen to the podcast featuring leaders of localization efforts from around the world. More

Additional News

Landmark Pacific Treaty by indigenous leaders of Aotearoa New Zealand, Tahiti & Cook Islands recognises whales as legal persons. More

Matthew Monahan interviews Grant Wilson of Earth Centered Law on all things “Rights of Nature” on the Ma Earth Series: The Regeneration Will be Funded. Listen

Organic Week in Aotearoa New Zealand is 1-7 May, hosting a range of local events, movie screenings, & workshops. More

Donna Kerridge, respected Rongoā Māori practitioner in Aotearoa is interviewed by Tarikura on the ĀIO: Road to Peace podcast. Listen

Predator Free Wellington features on - Penguins in the pond, kiwi in the back yard: how a city brought back its birds. More

Scottish Government backs 'ecocide law' which could see company bosses jailed for environmental destruction. More

The vision is so simplistic and elegant that it’s really easy for people to understand. Nature has rights, like humans have rights.
— Grant Wilson, Earth Centered Law

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